CwdStudio is a program for automatic generation of crosswords with filled-in clue and classical crosswords as well as word search puzzles and their publication. Many years of experience gained from products Crosswords - ITPro CZ and Osmisměrky - ITPro CZ were used during the application development. Main focus was made on imperfections of previous programs. The aim of CwdStudio is to become the best and user’s the most friendly program for crosswords and word search puzzles generation.
We lay stress on quality of created crosswords and word search puzzles so as they meet the conditions mandatory for creation of crosswords and word search puzzles specified by Czech federation of crossworders and puzzlers.

The program is able to generate very fast a crossword with filled-in clue or classical crossword on grounds of chosen dimension, clue patch layout and required clue wording. The program easily exports the crossword into vector format that can be used directly for crossword publication. Included Czech crossword dictionary contains different levels of expressions difficulty as well as function for marking a group of limited expressions which gives you an opportunity to set up difficulty of crossword arbitrarily. You don’t have to be afraid that your puzzle will be full of strange and geography distant expressions because the group of limited expressions is restricted. Because of the act that designing of clue patch lay-out may seem complicated for new users- assistant of design tool was created to help you with your required design by different graphical highlights.

Beside generation of crosswords with filled-in clue and classical crosswords this program is able to create word search puzzles. We respect meeting the binding rules for their creation same as for crosswords generation. It is only necessary to enter required dimension and its shape and the automatic generator takes care of the rest. Like that the word search puzzle sized 50 x 50 patches meeting all the rules can be accomplished within less than 2 minutes. Setting of highlighted word is supported as well. Opportunity of using preferred list of words is interesting function of this program - by that you can create thematically-aimed puzzles.
You can export all generated crosswords and puzzles into several raster formats (PNG, GIF, JPG, BMP) as well as vector formats (PDF, SVG, EMF, WMF, EPS, PS) directly within the program. For further processing export to CSV format is available as well as export into interactive website XHTML + Javascript, that enables you to Riddle the puzzles directly.